
The teaching of English at Richardson Primary supports our students to understand the three strands within the Australian Curriculum; Language, Literature and Literacy.  Students progressively build essential skills, knowledge and understanding from Kindergarten to Year 6 to appreciate, respond to, analyse and create literature. This is achieved through the development of receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing) and productive modes (speaking, writing and creating).

The three strands are:

Richardson promotes a balanced literacy approach to teaching English. This ensures that students receive high levels of scaffolding in initial instruction and modelling to less support as they approach mastery.

The individual literacy learning needs of students are catered for through differentiation.  A variety of strategies, resources and support mechanisms are used to scaffold student success and allow every student to achieve.

The skills needed to become a proficient reader, writer, speaker and viewer are taught explicitly across all areas of the curriculum.  The consolidation of reading skills is encouraged in partnership with parents through the home reading program in the early years and independent reading in the senior years.

Proficient writing skills underpin all forms of communication and is of paramount importance. At Richardson we foster a love of literature and language by engaging in the enjoyment and appreciation of all forms of Literacy.